Odom Family of Bertie County NC

First Generation

William W. Odom was born about 1833, and died in 1864 while serving in the Confederate Army (see below). In the 1860 census, he appears with wife Ellinor and daughter Martha J., age 9 months. I haven't found a marriage record.

Martha's death certificate does give her mother's maiden name, but it's very difficult to read - Holton? Hallam? or perhaps something else???

I haven't found Ellinor and Martha in 1870. In 1880, they are in Mitchells township, Bertie County, and there are two additional children, John W. age 16 and Lucie A., age 10, who is too young to be William's daughter.

Second Generation

Children of William W. and Ellinor Odom
Martha Jane Odom (1859-1929) m. James Edward Early (1862-1843)
John W. Odom (ca. 1864-?)


From Confederate Servicemen file by Gerald Thomas, USGenWeb Bertie Co. NC Archives
"Thirty-third Regiment North Carolina Troops, Company K
Odom, William W., Private: Resided in Bertie County where he enlisted as a conscript on July 1, 1862, at the age of 28. Died in camp near Guinea Station, Virginia, on February 1, 1864, of pneumonia."

This page was created on November 24, 2008.


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Elizabeth Harris, ncgen@mindspring.com